Monday, July 7, 2008

Today's Kunstler Update...

...well folks, as I've said before: sometimes Jim Kunstler is brash and strongly-worded but so far his projections keep proving true.

So much so, that this Monday's Update (July 7th) is a must read in terms of understanding and being prepared for the issues at hand:
But to get back to my prior point, things are hitting home anyway, and with force. The US economy is crumbling because the way we conduct the activities of daily life is insane relative to our circumstances. We've spent sixty years ramping up a suburban living arrangement that has suddenly entered a state of failure, and all its accessories and furnishings are failing in concert. The far-flung McHouse tracts are becoming both useless and worthless in the face of gasoline prices that will never be cheap again. The strip malls and office "parks" are following the residential real estate off a cliff. The retail tenants of all those places are hemorrhaging customers who have maxed out every last credit card. The lack of business is now leading to substantial layoffs. The airline industry is dying and will probably cease to exist in its familiar form in 24 months. The trucking industry is dying, threatening the entire just-in-time distribution system of things that even people with little money to spend still need, like food.
These conditions will now get a lot worse, no matter whether the banks continue to conceal their problems. All of it leads to an inflection point that coincides with the November election. By then, I expect that quite a few banks will be toast, job layoffs will rise spectacularly, foreclosures and bankruptcies will be raging across the land, and homeowners north of the magnolia belt will be shattered by the cost of staying warm this winter.
Yes, this stuff can be scary. But, great leadership is also possible. A post-partisan type of leadership which understands that the big picture is changing and, therefore, some of the traditional little picture concerns (like getting re-elected) may soon matter less and less.